Saturday, July 25, 2009

Criminal and License Defense

Whenever I'm contacted by a nurse facing criminal charges related to impairment, the first question I ask is;

"Do you have a criminal defense attorney?"
As many of you have most likely answered...Well, duh! Of COURSE I do! Do you think I'm dumb enough to defend myself in court? No, I don't thing so, but there ARE a few who actually consider it.

I receive even more inquires about pending investigations by the board of nursing. Again, the first question I ask the person contacting me is:

"Do you have a LICENSE defense attorney?"
Here are the top three answers I receive to that question:
  1. No, it's only the board of nursing. It's not like I'm going to prison or anything.
  2. I'm a nurse facing nurses, I know how to defend myself.
  3. I can't afford an attorney. Besides, it's the board of nursing, not the judges at Nuremberg.
Let me put it to you this way, there is nothing more serious you'll face in the profession of nursing than an inquiry, investigation, and/or a hearing before the licensure board. If you make a may never practice nursing again!

This is why a nurse should purchase professional liability insurance with a licensure defense soon as you graduate from nursing school! If you don't have one now...GET ONE ASAP!!!! It's cheap compared to all the doo doo you'll face if you need one and don't have it.

I've been charged with a felony, now what?

Need a license defense attorney? Contact the American Association of Nurse Attorneys

Professional Liability for Nurses

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